Paragon Cause Featured on Contraversial Episode of The Night Time Podcast

The Halifax Shopping Center is a common desination for all of us Haligonians. Its a place you go to shop (obviously), eat and just hang out. A vibrant part of Halifax. A few years ago, there was an arrest of a women who was a self professed Nazi. She had a plan, along with two others, to shoot and kill people on Valentines Day. The story is disturbing. The good news, she was caught prior to anything happening. However this is only the beginning of the story. It is twisted and I highly recommend listening to this

Paragon Cause had the pleasure to design the sound for both the trailer and the episode of the Lindsay Souvannarath Night Time Podcast Episode. We love soundtrack work and often do this in our spare time. Hopefully you will hear more Paragon Cause Soundtrack work in the Future.

If interested in the Night Time Podcast Story featuring Paragon Cause Music, click here for a link to the episode

Check out the Trailer that we produced Below