Paragon Cause Music

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Paragon Cause "Sunny" featured on Bare Chill Playlist

In today’s music world, people listen to new music after finding it on playlists. Whether it be Spotify , Soundcloud or other, people like to look for a mood and then play songs that fit their mood. We like writing music that fits moods, not intentionally, just cause that’s what we do! Our music, I suppose, is chill but I also think its intense. 

We were lucky enough to have one of our songs, “Sunny” shared on one of the top chill and relaxing music playlists. Bare Chill. Bare Chill has over 100,000 followers and its very nice to be featured by their playlist.

If you are looking for independent and unsigned music that pushes the boundaries and creates new moods, head over. This playlist is great for relaxing or chilling with friends.  Hopefully you will head over to Bare Chill and check out some of the other bands that are feature on this great playlist.